I've been doing a lot of reflecting over the past couple of weeks. I've remembered friends, times with family, adventures at school, fun trips, and just fun memories in general. I've remembered people that I've lost, women that I've loved, and people I've fought with. While 25 is still a very young age, I've endured all of those things in this city/state. Now, in two days, I'm going to depart to a city where I haven't experienced any of the previously listed items. Talk about having guts. Talk about starting over. The slate will be wiped CLEAN. Now, before I start getting TOO sentimental, let me share a few important things that I've learned while living in this city:
1. If you plan on driving on GA. 400N, 85N, 285, or 75N/S between the hours of 3:00 - 6:30pm, clear your schedule.
2. Remember, the lovely ladies at the Varsity aren't being rude. They're simply greeting you and doing their job.
2. Pepsi???? What the hell is Pepsi???? Screw Pepsi!!!!
3. The HOV lane is better referred to as the HIV lane and truthfully, won't get you to your destination any faster.
4. If you find yourself on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., DeKalb Ave., or Metropolitan Ave. at night, STAY FROSTY!!!
6. Yes, it's a requirement to get dressed to the nines if you intend to spend more than one hour at Phipps Plaza or Lenox Mall.
7. If you drive around Buckhead in a Hyundai, Honda, or Toyota, you might feel under-valued and under-appreciated.
8. When feeding onto the 75/85 connecter from 75S, remember to get all the way over to the left to avoid being cursed at and repeatedly called an idiot.
9. Yea. That's right. We held the Olympics here in '96. We're badass. We're celebrities. Were they a success? Not really. But we're still badass.
10. It's obvious that if Bobby Cox ran for governor of Georgia, he'd be a shoe-in.
11. The Thrashers? Who are they? You're sure they were a professional hockey team? 'Cuz I've never heard of them...
12. For as long as I can remember, the Hawks have been more of a blooper reel than a Highlight Factory.
13. The water fountains at Centennial Olympic park should not be used for consumption. NOT a good idea. And the Chattahoochee River??? *shudders*
14. If you plan on going 30+ miles outside of the perimeter in ANY direction, the music will change to country, trucks and tires will be bigger, fishing, hunting, and beer drinking are weekend activities, and if you listen closely, you MIGHT hear the faint twanging of banjoes...
15. Lakewood Amphitheater is the GREATEST concert venue. And yea, I said Lakewood. Screw you, corporate sponsers.
16 (bonus). Lastly, and most important, as of recent, living in once place for 25 years and choosing to live in that same city for the next ----teen years won't help me mature into the responsible and independent adult that I know I'm capable of being. The only way to speed up the growing-up process, is to step outside my comfort zone and take the journey of a lifetime.
I've accomplished a ton of things in my final month of being here. I've said good-bye to tons of friends (all of whom I will miss dearly). I saw my first Notre Dame victory over a RANKED Michigan State team IN PERSON. But above all, I've enjoyed the surrounding atmosphere of my final month in this city/state. I've had a good feeling throughout it all, and I'm hoping for that good feeling to follow me on my upcoming three day, 1110 mile trip up to Boston. Stay tuned for more developments.
- El Duderino
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